Man Journey : Captain Ego Vs Captain Soul (Ego)

Your ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your "self." If you say someone has "a big ego," then you are saying he is too full of himself.

The immaterial aspect or essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity, often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self.

This is a story about two captain: Captain Ego and Captain Soul in their Journey through the rough seas of life in this world.


The Ego Captain
         The Ego captain is a very selfish, power hungry and prideful. He likes to steer the ship towards destinations of lust, riches, excitement and hours of idle entertainment.
        He’ll gladly do whatever means to collect their bounty and grow more powerful in the process. The Ego captain uses the map he has created since started sailing, rarely asks for directions and the crew follows blindly even if it leads to their own destruction.

The Soul Captain
      The Soul captain on the other hand is a wise and loving captain. He likes to steer the ship towards places of peace, love and joy. He still likes to have a good time but not at the expense of his crew or that of the other ships
       The Soul captain has the power to take control of the ship at any time. Some Soul captains choose not to – for fear they suffer the consequences at the hand of the Ego captain.

The Ego Captain vs. Soul the Soul Captain  
The Ego captain looks at the Soul captain as a menace to his plans. He seeks to lock up or put the Soul captain to sleep at any chance he can get. And most of the time he succeeds. The Ego captain doesn’t like being controlled – ever.
        The Soul captain being a good and courteous delegates tasks to the Ego captain. The Ego captain acknowledge that he needs to listen to the advice of the Soul captain but the Ego captain is always restless for control. He needs to steer the ship to the places he most enjoys. He isn't please in taking orders from the Soul captain and is always rebelling or plotting ways in which he can wrest back control.

Soul Captain
          The Soul captain on the other hand, is usually in enlighten state and will take charge when Ego captain is having hard time in planning the ship journey.
         An awakened Soul is always an alert Soul, and will never gives full throttle to the Ego to steer the ship single handedly.  Monitoring the activities of the Ego captain.

Takes Control
         The Soul captain need to remains awake and alert, if not the Ego captain will almost always succeeds in regaining control of the ship (which can happen several times over the course of a day, or even an hour).
Old Map (Closed Mind) Versus New Map (Open Mind)
The Ego captain is usually reluctant to update his outdated map. This make Ego captain deem to make wrong journey judgment, wasting time and headed in the wrong direction. Alternatively, the Ego captain hates this admission of guilt – but the Soul captain knows on the long run, his ways and directions will be more fruitful.
A Soul captain on the other hand, is always seeking ways in updating the map so it is always headed on the right directions. He’s not afraid to ask for help or admit mistakes and make adjustment.

The Ocean of Egos
            Ships sailing on the high seas of life are run by Ego captains and they always underrate Soul captains as ‘nice guys’ and easy targets.

But an awakening Soul captain are always on guards on the ill-intentions of the Ego. Keeping a watchful eye on the activity of Ego captain. On this journey of life, the Soul captain need to be one step step ahead of the devilish Ego captain.


The Ship.
The body, the vessel by which you travel. Your unique ship carries you through the storms, goes to battle for you against fierce winds, endures burning sun rays, occasional mistreatment, and inevitable aging.
Despite the sometimes harsh ride, it operates with effortless intelligence, riding the natural rhythmic motion of the waves, existing harmoniously with the environment, and completing each task as directed by its captain.
You must always ensure the ship is in working order. Measures must be taken to properly prepare the vessel, nourishing the engine with the right fuel and in the correct quantities, as well as providing adequate downtime to rest and recharge.
The deck must be kept clean and well maintained, each crack repaired, no damage left unattended. Every sailor knows, a healthy ship makes for a smoother journey.

Who’s Steering Your Ship?
       Captain Ego
The name is Ego, and to some extent had a hold on you ever since you were taught to see yourself as an “I”, an individual entity, or as author and public speaker Deepak Chopra put it; “an isolated mind” packed in a body.
The concept of the “me”, in opposition to the “us”.
The ego resides in all of us, especially those of us that still crave success in the traditional sense; material gain, honour, and status. Making other people jealous of your amazing life.
Here’s the thing; it is impossible to stay on top when you’re seeing everyone else around you as a competitor. There will always be an Instagram post, a magazine article or a piece of through-the-grapevine news to remind you someone is currently more successful, wealthier, or more attractive than you. It is a losing battle. You will never win.
The ego’s job as the protector. It is the part of us that stands on the bow of our relationship and frantically yells, “Iceberg!” when it sees trouble ahead. This is useful information, for sure.
However, when the ego is scared, he becomes erratic and impulsive and wants to grab the wheel. But he is not trained in navigation and not the guy you want haphazardly steering the ship.
Captain Soul
That job should be left to Captain Soul — the wise one who strategizes the best course of action in alignment with the ship’s circumstances, capabilities, and destination. The Captain Soul is creative, calm, responsible, steadfast, and quite capable of leading the ship out of harm’s way.
The problem is that the Captain ego thinks it knows how to protect the ship best. After all, he is the one who saw the iceberg. The ego’s strategy is always to blame the iceberg for being in the way and to expect the iceberg to move. So, he typically will steer right toward it and angrily blames the iceberg when the collision happens.
The Soul, on the other hand, accepts that the iceberg is where it is, realizes that the only thing that will save the ship is a course correction, and takes responsibility to do so.
In addition, the Captain ego typically waits until the iceberg looms large right in front of the ship to react. Consequently, it requires a monumental amount of change to steer the ship out of harm’s way, limiting the ability to do so unscathed.
The Captain’s Soul course of action is to look ahead, plot a course, see potential icebergs in the distance and strategize with wisdom. Thus, with the slightest advance adjustment to the course, the Captain can avoid the problems entirely with little or no drama
These are all the erratic behaviors of the ego in a misguided attempt to steer the ship. Then, notice how well that is (or is not) working for you.
Mindfulness and responsibility are what moves the locus of control from the Iceberg Guy to the Captain.

In order to lead your relationships to safer and smoother waters, begin to be mindful of these two distinct parts of your crew.

Stop to remember what your destination is and which way you are actually heading.
a. What do you truly want?
b. What are you doing, saying, and thinking?
c.  Are those choices leading you toward the destination of a healthy, harmonious relationship?
d. Are you expecting others to move or change in order for you to get where you want to go, or do you see that you are the one responsible for making changes?

Take a deep breath and put your Soul in charge. Your soul is wise, intuitive, creative, responsible, compassionate, understanding, discerning and present. A mere intention, along with a deep breath, can switch the control from ego to soul.

So what do we do about this?

a.     Don’t compare
Stop worrying about how our life looks to other people, and start focusing on how it truly feels to us. Recognize and observe the egotistical thoughts when come. Watch them come. Laugh and watch them leave.
Rather than chasing monetary values, approval and status as sources of sustainable happiness, we strive for what “higher values”; love, truth, creativity, compassion. Highs without the hangover. Highs that last.

b.    I
Start thinking a little more about the “we”, and a little less about the “me”. We strive to invest our energy in something that adds value to the life of people who surround us.

c.    Start doing things with Love.
Love and compassion for all human and living beings.
Love and appreciation for this beautiful planet on which we live.
Love in every thought and action.
 “Travel light. Be the light. Spread the light.”

Suffering arises from craving, and craving ceases with enlightenment. It ceases when we come to realize that all the love you need to be happy, is already there, within your chest. And if you stop and sit for a few minutes everyday, you will feel its sweet power.

         This is an ongoing process, and the need to be gentle and patient when we feel Ego’s taking over. Ego isn’t a monster. Ego just insecure and scared. Acknowledge what Ego has to say, then smile to yourself, knowing aren’t at all indicative of your true self.
So to be relevant and rightful in this life journey, 
a.  avoid all Ego distraction and falsehood (Avoidance)
b.  use the lighthouse (Guidance), to guide the ship movement (Guidance)
c.  staying on course whatever the tribulations maybe (Steadfast)
d. illuminating false monsters (erroneous beliefs or unjustified fear (Views)
e.  gathers as much information as possible about the environment (Facts)
  f.  to sail into uncharted waters if that’s what is needed (Risk)

Whatever, the outcome may be.

i. The flagship of the ship need to be with the Captain Soul so as to maintain a peaceful and correct coexistence in this world.

ii. So human need to rely on their soul than their egos to guide their life in this world of turbulence and havoc for peaceful world.

Extract and excerpt taken with thanks :


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