Man : Misty (Blind Heart)

The average human heart,
i.      beating at 72 beats per minute,
ii.    will beat approximately 2.5 billion times during an average 66 year lifespan, and
iii.   pumps approximately 4.7-5.7 litres of blood per minute.
  It weighs approximately 250 to 300 grams (9 to 11 oz) in females and 300 to 350 grams (11 to 12 oz) in males. 
It’s a miraculous organ that has always been seen historically as the core foundation of the human anatomy. 
Yet, we also understand that there is a metaphysical state that the human being is bound to and that state of being also has a heart. 
a.   Are the two interconnected? 
b.   Does taking care of the heart physically impact caring for the heart spiritually?

A fundamental organ within the metaphysical state of the human being.

“The human heart is a keenly sensitive area of feeling and knowing that is a portal to our deepest self. Heart wisdom is a blend of deep feeling and understanding.”

To lose one's sight is one of the worst things that can happen.
For one who's eyes are blind can reflect and benefit from the heart.  It is not the sight that becomes blind but the heart that becomes blind.”

Indeed, it is not the sight that becomes blind, but the hearts in the chest that becomes blind.”

Therefore, one can logically interpret that this means his/her heart is still seeing what is right, even though his/her eyes don’t. 

In what sense?  Physically?  Blind in the heart?  Surely what this is referring to is the blindness of the heart.
Indeed there is a clump of flesh in the body, if it becomes good the whole body becomes good, and if it becomes bad, indeed, the whole body becomes bad.  Indeed, it is the heart.
The need to take care for our hearts, even though we care more about our physical looks way more than our characteristics or spirituality.  The questions that more than likely consume the human mind is how do I look?  What kind of clothes we wear?  What our hair looks like?  While little thought is given to what our characters look like.

In 1967, Dr. Christian Bernard, replaced the first human heart with another heart.  That man lived for 18 days.

2001:  Drs. Gray and Downling replaced the heart of Robert Tooles with a mechanical heart.  He lived for 5 months.

AN UNSATISFIED SOUL; a blind heart then will never achieve satisfaction and will continue to seek happiness through all of the things of this world with no success.

 Wealth is not measured by worldly things, but by contentment of the heart.  Which ultimately leads us to see that we should be aware of…

KNOWLEDGE, OF NO BENEFIT; meaning that the heart that is blind (i.e. when truth comes) it cannot see or benefit from it.

We can find that this is prevalent in what is happening today.  When we look at the media, actors, singers, models, the majority of the materially wealthy in our societies, we find that these are from amongst the majority of the victims who fall into things like committing suicide, taking drugs, etc…

Why?  Indeed, it is their hearts!

What are the signs of the blind heart?
a.)  Negligence
i.      a heart that is full of doubt
ii.    is unsure of anything

b.)  Admonition/advice has no effect;
i.      when people advise you to do or not to do it has no bearing on you whatsoever.  More than that, this attribute shows a disliking to the truth, so when others speak truth to you it’s hard to accept.

c.)   No guilt or pain when sin/transgression/wrongdoing is committed, instead there is pleasure or peace of mind in committing it.

d.)  Discomfort being in the company of righteous/Comfort in company of the corrupt ;
i.      when you’re invited to gather with people who are good, it’s uncomfortable or boring for you.  Vice versa.

Openheartedness is one of the most easily recognizable markers of inner realization. The human heart is a keenly sensitive area of feeling and knowing that is a portal to our deepest self.
Heart wisdom is a blend of deep feeling and understanding. Without discernment, love is easily blinded by desire. The heart area closes in the face of early emotional abuse and neglect, as well as in response to the normal challenges and stresses of daily life.
It reopens when it is met with steady, attuned love. Self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care free us from our egocentricity and open us to the whole of life. The mind can only accept conditionally, but the heart accepts unconditionally. We do not need to try to love or accept ourselves; it is enough to attune with the love and acceptance that is already here.

The Keys to Trusting Your Heart: Attuning with Openheartedness
1.    Trust Your Heart Physically:
Place your hand over the center of your chest and imagine that you are directly breathing into and from the depths of your heart area.

2.    Trust Your Heart Mentally:
Inquire into any beliefs that obstruct your love and the acceptance of yourself and others.

3.    Trust Your Heart Emotionally:
i.    Attune with that deep place in the heart that loves and accepts everything just as it is.
ii.  Visualize embracing any parts of yourself that need this love. Hold them in your heart.
iii. Do the same for others—inwardly bless them and wish them well.
iv. Be generous in expressing your heartfelt love in daily life.

4.    Trust Your Heart Energetically:
i.  Sense into the various layers of your heart including the inner sanctum at the back of the heart.
ii.  Sense into the opening behind the heart into the infinite or Great Heart.

5.    Trust Your Heart Spiritually:
i.        Make a deep commitment to live openheartedly. Then work steadily and compassionately toward keeping it.
ii.   Rest in and as the open heart.
iii.   Gaze with a spiritually oriented friend.

One sees clearly only with the heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes
in attitude, compassion, empathy, observation, personal growth, vision
One sees clearly only with the heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.

Why is seeing with your heart important? 
Have you ever heard someone say “I wonder what they see in each other?” The speaker is seeing with their eyes, the people they are talking about are seeing with their hearts.
Another question for you: have you ever felt compassion for something or someone that was not pleasing to the eye? How can that be, unless your heart recognises what *it* sees, and overrides your eyes. This allows you to see what is essential, despite what you might see with your eyes.
In a world where the only thing you felt or acted on was related only to what your eyes could see, nothing else. What if everyone else in the whole world did the same? What kind of a world would be? Would it be a nice place for you to live in, or can you see that it would not be a very pleasant place?
The reason why we must always remember there is more to the world than meets the eyes. We should always try to strive to recognize that which we see with the heart, not just the eyes.

Where can I apply this in my life?
          a.    being centered,
          b.    being calm,
helps me see more clearly with my heart.
The more hectic my day, the harder I find it is to see with my heart. The more aggravated or angry, the more stressed, the harder it is to see with my heart
Realized that the state of mind will seriously impact the ability to see with the heart. Stay as centered as possible, and use a variety of techniques the attempts. Success varies.

Two beggars used to live outside a village.  One was blind and one had no legs.  They were competitors of course–in the same profession, begging from the same people–and they were continually angry with each other.  They were enemies, not friends.
One day the forest near the village, where these beggars used to live, caught fire. The man without legs could not get out; it was impossible for him to cross the forest–it was all on fire. He could have moved a little bit but that would not help.  An exit, and a very quick exit, was needed. 
The blind man also was certain that he could not get out.  He did not know where the fire was, where the road was, and where the trees were burning and where they were not.  A blind man….he would get lost.
So when the forest was on fire those two beggars thought for a moment.  They were enemies, not even on speaking terms, but this was an emergency.  The blind man said to the man who had no legs, “Now the only way to escape is that you sit on my shoulders; use my legs and I will use your eyes. 
That’s the only way we can save ourselves.”  It was immediately understood.  There was no problem. But both were intelligent people; they dropped their enmity, became friends, and saved their lives.”
You are on fire. You’re burning with desire, sometimes in anguish, over something you deeply want.  Perhaps it’s an important decision you know you must make. And you feel it as a burning sensation in your gut!
Alone your intellect is blind and cannot choose the direction in which to go. Most of the information you have is based on what you have experienced in the past, or believe is possible, yet you’re blind to new possibilities that could be available to you.

There is a heart within you, which sees and feels, but which has no legs. Within you, there’s a beating heart, waiting for your intellect to use the heart’s vision to see and feel what the intellect cannot perceive.
Both your heart and your intellect can come out of the fire, but the intellect has to accept the heart above its shoulders.

Extract and excerpt taken with thanks :


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