Man : Human Responsibility


a.    the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
synonyms:           authority, control, power, leadership, management, influence; duty
b.    the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
synonyms:           blame, fault, guilt, culpability, blameworthiness, liability

Responsibility means feeling it’s your duty to deal with what comes up, being accountable, and/or being able to act independently and make decisions without authorization. There are both moral and personal responsibilities.

Responsibility is having common sense, authority, leadership, and maturity; being reliable, trustworthy, dependable, and answerable. But we don’t all express our ability to be responsible in the same way.
 Image result for enneagram system definition


1-Perfectionists in the Enneagram system sometimes feel overly-responsible for their own or others’ behavior. 
     Knute says, “I always impale myself on shoulds. I NEVER avoid responsibility.” This type includes a desire to improve self and others (to be good learners and teachers) and to worry about how things are going.

2-Helpers are a lot like Ones regarding responsibility but responsibility often centers on their relationship to another individual. 
     Two’s try hard to be there for important people in their lives. “What does the other need that I can provide?”

3-Achievers often feel responsible for getting ahead in the world and for leading others to get things done. 
    Their responsibility includes presenting a favorable image that will enhance others’ respect for them.

4-Romantics feel responsible to themselves for honoring and expressing feelings and values and for finding beauty in life
     If they slip up on their responsibilities they are likely to feel ashamed.

5-Observers often have high ideals but are not as likely as most other types to push their ideals on others. 
    They feel responsible to themselves, and sometimes to others, for determining what’s logical. Robin, a Five, defines responsibility as being in the spell of the superego.

6-Questioners are aware of the dangers in life. They look for bad things that might happen and try to avoid mishaps. Being loyal to others is one way of insuring their own safety. 
    Elizabeth says her security is built around responsibility. Realizing security was within her was a gift of freedom for her and the people in her life.

7-Adventurers often feel responsible for protecting the environment in which they live and play. Many feel responsible from a young age for staying happy themselves and for making other people happy.

8-Asserters feel responsible for enforcing rules and for standing up for truth and justice. They use their considerable strength to lead and to protect others

9-Peace Seekers feel responsible for promoting harmony and fairness. Judy, a Nine, grew up with a strict mother and considered responsibility an unknowable and undoable obligation. 
     She gradually realized she was taking responsibility for others as a matter of honor—but not for herself. When she realized maturity meant taking responsibility for herself, there was no going back. She had become responsible to her heart.

Man's responsibility is greater than that of any other being in the world. Responsibilities are something that we are born with and they will follow us in all of our lives.

Responsibility toward
·         to those around us,
·         those whom we meet in everyday life, or
·         working environment
·         interest that we have in life –
·    our responsibility towards this whole creation; in the sphere, in the world, on the earth.
If we do so then we know our responsibility.

Responsibilities come in many forms and in many degrees such as
              i.        sole responsibilities - yourself 
            ii.         joint responsibilities and
           iii.        group responsibilities

Here are some of those responsibilities :

1. Responsibility to yourself
   Your responsibility based on the capability given to you in the form of intellect, body, soul, spirit i.e. enhanced yourself to be a responsible human being in this world. By shelving your responsibility you are one of the proscrinator of responsibility.

2. Responsibility to Time
   Our age is a gift. Each and every one of us has a container: Take it and fill it with what you want, but you are responsible for what you fill it.
a. those who filled their container with sand,
b.  there are those who filled their container with a valuable resource,
c.  while there are those who filled their container with poison and
d.  there are those who filled it with floating dust.
It is in our hand, it is left to us, what we will fill our container (in our age) with

3. Responsibility Toward Knowledge
   Knowledge will be man’s continuing legacy to learned and implement it. By learning and implementing knowledge positively, man will be enhancing their existence in this life. Man’s everyday battle against ignorance, unbelief and retardation with knowledge. By adhering and positively implementing knowledge, man will be the rightful leader of this world.
     "The alms of knowledge are to teach he who doesn't know it."

4. Responsibility of Words (Speech)
    The words we utter are not like the foam of soap, which float over the surface of our tongues and then, burst quickly in the air. Our words have a responsibility. The tongue is as described in this narration: "key of good or evil."
     Good words are like a gift: beautifully present to make the recipient happy. Criticism words are like the head of a needle… hurting him.

5. The Responsibility of Deeds’
   Every man action has repercussion. A Man who has knowledge without implementing it, is that of a donkey which carries huge tonnes of load (but does not understands the reason why it is carrying it). It is heavy on its back, but he does not feel the heaviness by the knowledge in his mind, heart and life.

    We should put it in our mind that action however small will affect people and the world.

6. Legal, Moral, Ethical Responsibility
     Seeking knowledge is a responsibility. Moreover knowledge of knowing the lawful and unlawful things in life. Man are guided by culture, morals, ethical and values. If these basic ethical values are adhered to, the sign world destruction is on the way.
    Laws, moral and ethical values are similar to the road signs of life… greens that open ways for you to move, but with conditions, yellow that calls on you to be prepared to stop and red that prevents you from moving.
    It is 'a mean of reforming and correcting ideologies, morals and actions. Differencing   a sound and false ideology, between virtues and vices; and good and evil.

7. The Responsibility of Good Manners and Morals
    Man is a creature with a functioning heart, a thinking brain to reflect negative and positive, the good vs. the bad, and the evil vs. peace.  The burden falls on man to show the positive mannerism,
a.       virtues.
b.      Hones
c.       patient
d.      Humbleness
e.      kindness
f.        Chastity
g.       Brotherhood
h.      loving
      Inculcating the basic human feeling to the decaying world.

8. Social Responsibility
    Man is interrelated with the society by different chains of relationship: Relationship with parents, family and neighbors, brothers, friends and companions, and with general people.
a.    to parents and respecting them, appreciating and understanding

b.  family, you are responsible for respecting the elders and sympathizing with    the   smaller ones, love and affection, housework’s, safeguarding family values

c.  brothers, friends and companions, you are responsible for building it on the basis of faith, trust, friendship

d. community includes rendering them a service, reducing their suffering, cooperating with them in doing good those benefits the whole society

e.  the world, by being humanely, benevolence and caring to the world society.

9. World Responsibility
   Balancing the ecology and world well-being. Be more responsible in dealing in respect for world's life - industrial waste, burning of fossil fuel and deforestation and wildlife. By being more conscious of ecology and sustaining  and respecting a "green" life.

Action Items for Responsibility
       a.    Learn how to mature your responsibility by letting your yes be yes and your no be no.

     b.    Align yourself with other people who also share your sense of responsibility.  You will thrive when you surround yourself with responsible people.

      c.    Take time to celebrate your commitments and accomplishments.

     d.    Turn responsibility toward yourself, your own health, and your own well-being. Do not only take care of others but take care of yourself.

      e.    You have to fill your positive energy bucket in order to fill the buckets of others.

      f .     Responsibility can be summed up by the quote of William H. Johnsen. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.

A world that is free from responsibilities,
is a world that is full of corruption
wars and an unlimited misunderstanding,
it is a total breakdown.

An example of an irresponsible person is like a captain of a ship,

if he leaves the ship unguided in a highly wind situation,

it means he has surrendered it,

and its passengers, to a great and deadly danger.


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