Man : Mom Blues (Career Mom)

A.   Dealing With Working Moms Guilt, Whether You Love or Hate Your Job

§ If you wish you could be a better mom, you’re not alone. Working mom's guilt is practically an epidemic.
o   10 percent of mothers working full-time give themselves the highest rating for their parenting
o   just 24 percent of mothers working part-time  give themselves a 10 as a parent, according to a  Pew Research Centre survey, Washington DC.

          i.     Is Working Moms Guilt Telling You Something?

§ Sometimes guilt can be a warning signal that you need to make a change in your life.
o   unhappy with your child care provider
o   boss making it hard for you to balance
o   your husband or partner for more help around the house
§ If you see a sign, fix it.
o   If you can't correct it right away,
o   resolving to do so can dispel the guilt
o   plan to have a better work-life balance in two or three years,
o   start saving so you can quit your job, it's easier to brush off the pangs of guilt.

        ii.     Write Down the Reasons You Work

o   Love our jobs.
o   Need the money.
o   Risk dropping out of competitiveness in work market. We realize we'd be
o   A miserable as stay-at-home moms and would make our children unhappy.
o   Set an example of a successful, independent wage-earner.
§ Write down your own motivations and reassured that you need to do, then simply let go of the guilt. Trust yourself and the choices you've made for your family.
§ But keep the list. When guilt arises again – and it will – pull it out to refresh your memory.

      iii.     Stay Away From People Who Make You Feel Guilty

o   Neighbor , "I could never let someone else raise my child" – so stop doing it!
o   Relatives, mother-in-law about working, find an excuse to leave the room. That's better than stabbing a fork through her hand, after all.

       iv.     Consider the Source

§ When  face an anti-working mom comment ,
o   try to remember, all speak from own perspective, based on own experiences.
o   choices the speaker made for her own family. Did she put her
o   career on hold to be home with kids? Did she
o   miss working or hate being dependant on her husband for money

         v.     Time Off

§ When feeling guilty,
o   Take a day off just to spend with your child.
o   Put nothing else on that day's agenda
o   Reconnect with your kid's daily rhythms, appetite, and personality
o   Child will relish the special time with Mommy.
§ For toddlers, examine physically, see naps and eats,
o   Indulge in activities that don't fit elsewhere in the week.
o   Pre teen, let them choose the agenda, whether it's the mall, a bike ride, or lunch and a matinee with Mom.
§ Opportunity to assess whether you'd be happier working less, or not at all. More likely, you'll reaffirm the life choices you've made.

       vi.     Remember That All Moms Have Challenges

o   Feeling work-family conflict,
o   Idealize the life you would have as a stay-at-home mom. 
§ The reality is that stay-at-home parents can have as much stress as working parents, if not more, depending on the age, temperament and number of kids.

     vii.     Acknowledge the Loss

§  A simple fact
o   That a working mom isn't going to witness every single minute of her children's day.
o   It's okay to be sad about missing out on the sweet moments and the fun.
o   Mourning the things you're giving up by working, it may be easier for you to enjoy the things you're gaining. It's no use pretending there aren't tradeoffs.

viii.     Bear in Mind That Life Changes.

o   The choices seem like forever now, but who knows what the future holds.
o   Don’t be judgmental of others' life choices. Be at ease with your choice.
o   Keep open mind of the possibility of personal and family d shift. Revisit your work-life balance periodically to make sure it still meets your needs.

B.    Self-Care Tips for Working Moms

§ Taking Care of Yourself – Why It’s Important

o   Priority to care of yourself. Mom's needs often seem to come last. After your kids, their dad, your job, the pets, and endless errands.
o   Not enough time to get everything done, to self - exercise, leisure or relax bath.
o   Always stay on the back burner.

§ If Mama Isn’t Happy, Nobody Is Happy

o   When stressed or burnt out, everyone in the house suffers. The baby, Children may respond to a tense mom by acting out.
o   Take an hour or two to yourself, for whatever nourishes you, the rest of the day (or week) will be easier and more fun.
o   An energetic and refreshed mom: by paying attention to your own needs, you’ll actually be better at meeting everyone else’s.

§ Stress and Sleep Deprivation Make You Fat

o   Stress and sleep deprivation release cortisol  into your bloodstream, which triggers fat storage around your waist.
o   Demoralizing to carry more weight than your ideal,
·      it increases your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis, among other conditions.
o   Take a nap, exercise during lunch hour can increase your energy and make the afternoon more productive.

§ Other People Are Capable, Too

o   Don’t fall into the Superwoman trap,
·         thinking we have to be in charge of everything
·         we’re the only one who will do it right. That mentality not only
·    It overloads you with work, it doesn’t give enough credit to your other family members
·         it prevents from learning skills that can lighten your load and make them feel more capable.
o   Leaving the kids with their grandfather for a Saturday morning while you have brunch with friends.
o   Give them a chance to feed, caregiving ability; the children will develop independence, without mom hovering nearby all weekend.
o   At work, delegate work with junior employee. Don’t be a perfectionist, have more free time for yourself and will mentoring.

§ Life Is for Living

o   This is your life, right now. Enjoy yourself with what you have to do.
·       Don’t fall into the trap , you’ll relax once you finished chores list – there will always be something more to do.
·         Prioritize and eliminate tasks that don’t absolutely have to get done.
·         Start small.
 Meditate/pray: wake up
Five minutes deep breathing and visualization.
chedule a once-a-week power walk during lunch.
on’t fill it with errands. Instead, just breathe.

C.    Time Management Tips for Moms

§ Time management is a big concern for mothers these days. 
o   Kids’ activities, household responsibilities
o   The demands of a stressful workplace, many mothers have given up on the fight to find time for themselves and are just trying to get everything done. The following
§ Time management  can be important tips can be used by busy moms everywhere
o   To take some of the stress out of life, and
o   Create more time for fun times with children,
o   Quality time with their partner, or even that coveted and nearly forgotten alone time.
        i.    Be Organized
o   It can eliminate stress from forgotten appointments, double-booking, lost homework, and many other stress traps that busy moms face.
o    Focus on a few key areas of organization,
o    Organized with your schedule, with your house and with your discipline strategy is one of the best time management tips
        ii.   Delegate!
o   It’s tempting to cover all household responsibilities yourself (to ensure that everything is done quickly and correctly),
o   Try putting some effort into getting men and children to pitch in can really pay off in the long run.
o   Break chores into simple tasks and reward people for doing them.
         iii.   Multitask, But Only When Appropriate
o   Multitasking, getting twice as much done in a day
o    Even though multitask usually completed as accurately, it got to be done
o   A business calls while taking your daily walk (don’t forget exercise as an important stress reliever), or quiz your kids on test questions while you clean the kitchen.
o   But if it is a burden than helped your chores, it’s time to shelve the multitasking.
        iv.     Learn When To Say No
o   To say ‘no’ to people’s requests doesn’t make it an easy one.
o   Encounter many different worthy requests for their time and attention, not to disappoint someone.
o   By saying ‘yes’ too much, people also get disappointed because we can’t do our best when we have many things to do.
o   It’s important to look at your priorities and learn to say no  to time demands that aren’t absolutely necessary.
        v.     Take Shortcuts
o  Remember here is to find the shortest route to where you need to be (getting to the office, getting homework done, getting the house clean),
o  Fast food cooking, pre prepared foods :- pre-cut vegetables, canned food , modern gadget ;- dishwasher
       vi.        Have a Routine
o   It can save mental energy and stress
o   Having dinner menu, chore rotation scheduled routinely
o   Your mind is free to focus on the rest of your day without thinking to plan these things each week  and make you freed as well.
     vii.       Be Flexible
o   Scheduling is important but  keep things flexible enough to accommodate the unexpected things
o   Sick kids, spilled milk and the occasional meltdown.
o   Having a rhythm for your day but a time cushion and some backup plans can take the stress out of the unexpected, and keep one schedule hiccup from throwing off your whole day (or week).
       viii.    Take Care of Yourself
o   Taking care of parental, relationship, household and workplace responsibilities is important but more priority is taking care.
o   Self-care of physical and emotional health is important. moms as well.
o   Tired or burn- out, cost will be less productive and organized, translate into more time wasted to get everything done that needs doing.
o   So get quality sleep, eat a healthy diet , and follow other self care strategies for mothers, and you’ll be operating at your best -— and less stressed.


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