Man : Probably (Doubt)

    i. a status between belief  and disbelief
    ii. involving uncertainty or distrust  or 
    iii. lack of sureness of an alleged fact, an action, a motive, or a decision . 

Doubt is a question of a perceived "reality", and may involve delaying or rejecting relevant action out of concerns for mistakes or faults or appropriateness. 

It is a state of the mind which remains suspended between two contradictory propositions and unable to assent to either of them (comparing).

Doubt is a horrible disease that eats a human being away insidiously and does away with him slowly. 

Once a human being catches this disease with his beliefs, thoughts and imaginations, it means he has become paralyzed with all of his vital functions and spiritual faculties.
 Psychoanaylyst attribute the development of doubt (a symptom of an ego phobia) starts during childhood, when the ego develops. Childhood experiences, traditions, plant doubt about one's abilities and identity.
The biggest reason why we have bad experiences and failures in any area of life is doubt. We doubt when we worry and fear. That is what causes all the failures in our work, marketing, business, relationships, health and everything else.
                We become what we think about most. All actions are effects and brought about by thought. Worrying is an imagination and emotion leads to inaction. Worry and fear caused unbelief while our own beliefs create reality. Unbelief is actually a belief in the opposition of what we desire to act. When conflicting beliefs exist, we sabotage our reality creation. That is why we fail to manifest what we want.

                Paused for a moment and change your focus and do not proscrinate.  
               Focus on what you desire only. Do not focus on your fear of not getting it. 
             If you believe that something won’t work or doubt it, then you will push 
           the wants things further and further away from you. 
        Some people try visualizing and affirming what they want for a moment but then 
      they spend the rest of the time undoing their reality creation by worrying, doubting 
      and not focusing on what they want.
Types of Doubt
a. Factual Doubts
a)      Factual foundations:
A common form of uncertainty:  questioning new issues of facts not thought of.  
The skeptism is brought about due to inability to answer critical accusations of subject matter due to one's lack of knowledge on those subjects. 
In particular, the major issues here religions, ethics, morality and other central beliefs.
b)     Sidetracked problems:
This variety of doubt occurs when the person allow themselves to be concerned about issues which not only are not central concerned to the person and  do not make any substantial difference whichever view is correct.  Wealth vs. Religion.
c)      Questioning intellect:
It is caused by the type of personality which enjoys problem solving. For some persons, to be constantly studying an issue provides the needed motivation to seek creative answers, thereby leading to intellectual growth. In other words, this type of uncertainty actually spurs some individuals to work out dilemmas which interest them, or to get to the root of practical applications with the intent of finding which solutions actually work.
d)   System confusion:
Doubts which arise due to allowing his view to be influenced world beliefs and doctrine systems: norms, culture and to be construe as true. Many doctrines are only as accurate as the world-view in which they are held. Doubt may occur when a contradiction between self preservation of life and world morality.

b. Emotional Doubts
a) Psychological causes:
The most common stems from psychological states such as anxiety or depression and, in particular, moods which persons frequently undergo. Psychological doubt as a whole might be mood-related. Hiding factual doubt with factual facts. Faith, only to discover that the true cause was their attitude towards the subject.
b) Medical causes:
Doubt can also come from any number of medical factors, including internal conditions such as manic depressive states or diabetes on the one hand or externally prompted conditions caused by the consumption of alcohol or other types of drugs. To be sure, it is frequently not an easy matter to decide which of such factors are internally or externally motivated. Need to be concerns with medical treatment of doubts.
c) Faulty view:
To have a wrong concept of belief can be very instrumental in the formulation of doubt. And, of course, while it could be argued that no one would have a perfect concept, some specific patterns of thought are potentially more harmful than others, certainly an area which needs constant cultivation and development in the believer's life.
d)      Childhood problems:
              Experiences during younger years can have a profound effect on doubt later. 
             For example, child abuse in various forms can make it very difficult for one to accept human 
           love. It affects the person vividly in his mind. Struggled to belief in love them; difficult to 
            convince them otherwise.
e)      Judging by feelings:
            A very common problem, especially with who lack assurance of salvation, comes from
        reactions based on one's feelings. "Sometimes I don't feel saved" or "I don't have the same 
         feeling which I used to" are regular fare for the counselor. In fact, the feeling might not be true
          but based on mere feeling and
f)   Need for attention:
         In some cases, the expression of doubt is most obviously due to the need for friendship and 
       love, often from one who feels that these are somehow lacking in his own life. There is a               real doubt, but the need for companionship attention and love could be even greater, to the point
         where the problem never seems to get solved.
g)     identifying with fiction:
To read fictional writings can cause us to be confronted with different kinds of ideas and persons. Plays, television, fictional persons can tempt people here to identify with these characters and view issues through their eyes. Temporarily colored our perception with someone else's conception of the issues. But if allowed to go unchecked, one could experience corresponding emotional doubts.
h)      Hypocrisy:
             Doubt can sometimes be caused by observing the beliefs and actions of fellow                   human.                      
             Religious wars, persecutions, inquisitions and questionable issues as "slavery,                 race, war, women's rights, and social justice" as examples of the potentially offensive beliefs              and behaviors can cause doubts. Perhaps the need to be confronted even more frequently with               man's   failures; a reminding us to rescue and provide some impetus for further action.

c.  Volitional ( Decide and Commit) Doubts
a) Faith:
Oftentimes a person wishes to increase desires to conquer some problem (like doubt) but simply thinks that he is unable to do so because it is too difficult to believe any further.
Sometimes faith suffers from a lack of development, wrong ideas concerning that experience. Others are troubled that perhaps their hearts were not totally committed at that time.
b) Lack of growth:
Some uncertainty can be caused by the believer's failure to grow in life. It is as if the person realizes that further commitment might require getting serious with their life. But for whatever reasons, the decision not to progress can lead to uncertainty. A lack in growth of human relationship, signal a drift in communication and can lead to various questions. A growing commitment is an excellent means of doubt prevention.

c)  Self-sufficiency:
This kind of uncertainty arises from an attitude of arrogance. Deciding that his will is to be preferred above other’s will. The desire for autonomy manifests by indulging his individual decision compare to others.  A man bickering with other and public criticisms on his internal decision.
Impact on society
Doubt depends on reasoning rational. Encouraging people to hesitate  before acting, and/or to apply more rigorous  methods. It may lead to disbelief or non-acceptance.
           Politics, ethics and law with decisions in the course of individual life , place great importance on doubt, and elaborate processes  to carefully sort through all available evidence.
In society, doubt creates an atmosphere of distrust, accusing in nature and alleging on the other either foolishness or deceit. It has been fostered in Western European society.
For a human being who has not been able to overcome his/her doubts and to make them obey him/her, corporal weaknesses, mental and moral disorders and aberrations are unavoidable compulsory happenings.

i.  Rigidity
Doubt brings about rigidity in attitudes, depression and awkwardness soul. Therefore skeptic people show a desire to evade bodily works and hatred for tiring things. No matter how assertive are the diagnoses made by psychiatry, it will be impossible to deny the function of internal inadequacy.

ii.      Mental
An influence of doubt on the mind, people suffering from this disease cannot have continuous and serious mental activities. It is very difficult for a person whose mind was shaken by doubt waves for a long time to think soundly. 

      Their concentration is weakened, their minds lose their activities, and their memories are in trouble.  Everything seems too impossible for these people and stumbling block appear in front of them. They have only one open door and only one way to go; the way to criticize others. They live with it and exist with it.

iii.    Morality
Doubt can also suppress morality, the most dangerous of all. Fluctuating desires and requests, ambitions and inclination. Skeptic to their innermost and essential personality ethics, in their mind and heart: morality.

iv.   Community
In the advanced stages of skeptic people governed by rigidity, stiffness and lifelessness. 
They lose their quality to be a community person in terms of their devastated spiritual personalities.

v.      Environment
Doubt is a very dangerous disease in terms of its sociological effects, too. A person who doubts their environment puts themselves in thousands of anxieties; disturbs both themselves and their environment. It is so dangerous when people who suffer hesitation, doubt and late in taking actions and decisions can harm the whole society
Those in high and important positions, who are leaders in politics and wars, may easily cause the destruction of nations and armies.

vi.    Support
As a matter of fact, a person who doubts themselves cannot be a support for others; it is not clear how a person who doubts themselves will act because there are masses that have been deceived several times behind them. They will always doubt their most innocent and reasonable actions.


Understanding and Challenging Doubt

 a. Challenge
Doubt often comes when we are faced with a challenge, something new we’ve never done before (a new role or responsibility, a new business, a new relationship, parenthood, etc.) or something we have done that carries a barrage of negative or limiting beliefs for us.
Aside from being a negative though process, self doubt is not really a thing in itself at all, rather it’s a lack of something vital to our success and happiness, and that is self confidence. Confidence literally means ‘with trust or faith’ (confidere). So, self doubt affects people when they have little or no faith in themselves with respect to the area/s they feel challenged most.
b. Fear
If we trace self doubt back to its roots, the lack of faith or self trust, all signs point to fear. Fear is almost always self imposed and it’s the biggest obstacle we put in our way to achieving, doing or being what we want.
There are varying degrees of self doubt and a variety of different consequences, from affecting our productivity at work to impairing one’s ability to have close, fulfilling relationships.  As a result, self doubt slowly siphons away our level of fulfillment in life. The more common effects of self doubt and fear of failure are frustration, stress, worry, anxiety, and loneliness and ultimately despair.
c. Give Up
The end result of too much self doubt is usually that we give in to fear and give up. Giving up, we chip away at our remaining self confidence and give ourselves another reference point for the future not to believe in ourselves. When that happens, we can begin to avoid challenges altogether. We stop considering our dreams and desires and try to make peace with our lives as they are.
Making peace with our lives sounds like a good thing - after all, acceptance is key to finding inner peace. However, this isn’t actually genuine acceptance, its complacence. Complacence isn’t living – it crushes our spirit and takes the passion and joy right out of life. Take some risk and feel the world.
d. Hypothesis
Doubts are just hypotheses or possibilities, they’re not real, and not even educated guesses. 
Remindful of past risks or failure can hurt but gives yourself the credit you deserve for taking actions
Self doubts amplify when we think and proscrinate about all that could go wrong or about past failures
It’s time to shift your focus from past failures/mistakes/criticisms to who you are today and what you’re truly capable of when you have a little faith.
e. Confidence
A little confidence, like a sliver of light in a dark room, can lead the way. Look within you for that sliver of light. Your heart, your spirit, your soul or your higher self, it is there. That is where you will find the little bit of faith you need to move past your doubts. All it takes is a shift in focus, from your mind to your heart.
f. Reflecting
Spend some time reflecting on, imagining and visualizing what you truly want and how good it would feel to finally make decision and act on it. This time isn’t for being practical, pragmatic or realistic, it’s only about staying focused on what feels good. Give yourself 10 to 20 minutes and then make any additional notes you wish in your journal.
g. Revisit Response
Make a commitment to revisit and review your responses in a week. Over the course of this week, keep your eye out for signs, symbols, quotes or music that inspire you and help you feel more confident and alive. As you review your reflections from the prior week, see if anything new has come up. 
h. Commit
Finally, make the commitment to consciously choose to remember your positive qualities when faced with doubt. 
Focus on things that feel good to you, that raise your level of faith and trust in yourself and self doubt will diminish.

Excerpt with thanks from

Lori Deschene
Gary R. Habermas
M. Fethullah Gulen


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