Man : Bountiful Day (A Bad Day)
- Don’t add more pressure.
- Bad day: putting too much pressure on you.
- Survive the day and minimize the long-term damage by agreeing not to make any decisions. Take a break and, if possible, escape…
- Escape.
- Have a break. Hear music. Play with your kids. Do whatever it takes to distract yourself and stop obsessing about your bad day.
- Your “problems” will still be there when you return, but you’ll come at them with a fresh mind.
- Insulate yourself.
- Shield yourself from negativity is by wrapping yourself in a “positivity.”
Journalize about those
things for which you are grateful on a daily basis.
- Avoid personalization.
- Many of the negative events you will face are beyond your control.
- Attack this negatif belief. For each negative event, ask yourself, “Am I responsible for this or was this outside of my control?”
§ Focus on Your Goals
- Have clear goals. When you feel down, focus on them, visualize them and think about how great it will be once you have completed them.
§ Reward Yourself for
Finishing Tasks
- Whenever you finish a task or complete a goal, give yourself a reward. A cup of coffee, a 10 minute break, and a weekend away…. Anything that gets you motivated.
- You are training yourself to be goals and tasks doers quickly and efficiently, working hard to complete your goals, getting the reward.
- Do the job well and meticulously, no redoing.
§ Take a Short Walk
- Take a break, to clear your mind and get yourself back on track. Taking a walk is a great way to sort your thoughts and refocus.
§ Remember That When
You Are Done, You Are Done
- By this I mean that once you have done everything you need to do during the day, you are finished and go home.
- That gives me a burst of motivation, every time the day starting to feel long, make it go quickly so I can relax.
§ Call a Loved One
for Inspiration
- Sometimes we cannot do it alone. Contact a friend or loved one who can help you when you need motivation, encouragement and companionship.
§ Action Exercises
• Set your goals
o Spend some time writing down your most important long term and short term goals.
• Determine a good reward that motivates you to complete tasks and goals
• Talk to someone you trust and ask them to be a source of motivation for you when you need it.
- Have hope
- Daily changes in life have made us all witness the same struggles for survival, for success & motivation to keep one another going. Hope of struggling in pursuit of happiness.
- Humanity
- Human always made it through the
o toughest moments, the sad ones, the joyous occasions, times of war, & the glorious celebrations.
- Being human with humble, humility, compassion and surviving the countless epidemics and global atrocities, but still prevailed, showing that humanity the signs of hope for a better future.
- Love is Power
- It has over powers everything, and is the healer of all wounds, scars, and probable wrong doings people over humanity.
- Self love & love of others has always conquered ignorance, religious intolerance, mind or bodily impurities, false realities, unfair treatment, human brutality and all the likes.
- Love conquers all, and human are bless with such a powerful gift.
- Respecting Nature
- Learning to experience Nature, the beauty it possesses, the wealth of precious lands, resources, and pure raw materials that we utilize each.
- Respecting Nature will benefits all creatures and create a world of serenity and peace.
- Beauty is in the Eyes
- True beauty can only be envisaged through pure and noble heart. Moreover if it involves the world beauty. Beauty that can be seen through a heart.
- We all need to have a look at life with a more positive outlook today and in the future. Cherishing the experiences & dependencies we have on the countless animals and creatures that inhabit this beautiful world.
- Happiness makes all the difference in a day
- Being happy is easily achieved, but the reality of the tough, harsh living conditions and tough economic situations make it tough to achieved. Whatever be happy
- There's nothing quite like the reward one receives by a simple smile as result of being happy, originating from the inside & outwardly expressed as joy.
- Fear
- It is just an obstacle of the mind that needs to be conquered. if you look introspectively into yourself, and beliefs in yourself, fear is just voices and whisper.
- Confront it. Repeat your fears to yourself and face them head on.
- Children at the heart
- Parents worldwide work hard to provide for their families. Children are our future no matter which way we look at it.
- Changing our world for the better takes honest commitment to our children and we must change ourselves to adjust for their developments.
- Negative feedback.
- A few harsh criticism and blows to your ego can cause waning motivation in all human beings.
Disappointment and
We can be our own worst critics. A big mistake can
dampen your motivation.
Routines, habits and
missing goals.
Spending weeks doing the same things repeatedly can
make it easy to lose sight of why you started doing them in the first place.
Stress and frustration
Sometimes an upset in one area can reduce your
motivation in another area, even if it is otherwise enjoyable.
- Optimism is the key to negative respond.
o Maintain a balanced body and mind.
o Tell yourself that there is nothing bad
that can happen,
o Prepare your subconscious mind and soul to
believe in positive energy that is all around you.
- Creating a Motivation Recharge Minute, Hour or Day
The effect on your motivation can be incredible.
But if you feel the least motivated:
- Dissect Problems –
Motivation can wane if
too much problem is encountered. The best way to fix your motivation is to fix
the problem.
Dissect one problem at
a time and face it. Don’t run and rushed to have it solved. Patience in
dissecting and solving the problems, it takes times.
- Avoid Impossible Problems –
There are some
problems that can’t be solved, or aren’t worth the effort to do so.
Losing your wallet, making a bad first impression
or messing up a presentation
Problems can’t be
fixed, so trying to solve them will probably have the opposite effect.
- Listen to Audio Tapes –
Emotionally self-help
tapes can helps build up your enthusiasm
- Read Motivational Blogs –
There are plenty of
blogs dedicated to self-improvement, including Getting some good
ideas can get your motivation flowing again.
- Review Your Goals –
Go over all of your
goals. Plan to achieve them and spend time thinking about what they consist of.
Easily distracted when
you’re caught up with a daily routine. Make corrections and plan new goals if
your old direction doesn’t suit you anymore.
- Get an Energizer –
Spend time with people
that make you feel motivated and good about yourself.
o Be around
people who are positive and can get your ideas flowing again can boost you out
of a motivation deficit.
- Avoid Toxicity –
Avoid these people
like the plague or toxic. Having people who can deliver bad news is important,
but otherwise don’t spend time with these people.
If you are forced to be with these vampires
because of a work or school environment, then at least dedicate a few days to
avoid them while you recover your motivation.
- Have a Mini Project –
Sometimes the best way
to recharge your motivation is to accomplish something meaningful. (waking up
early, getting done several major tasks right in the morning, etc.) can rebuild
the faith you have in your abilities.
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