Man : Without (Disabled Person)
Disable Human Human are born with different races, colors and having various abilities . While some of them are given certain gifts, others are deprived of these gifts and thus are disabled. This is the nature of life; In fact, man’s life is a full record of hardships and tribulations . When deprived with certain disability, a person of a certain ability or gift, the compensation by bestowing upon them other gift, which they excels to others. That is why we see that those people who are deprived of sight, have very sensitive ears that they can hear very low beats or movements around them. They are given excellence in many other abilities to compensate their imperfection. What counts as a disability There are rules about disability. The law regards 'disability' as a physical or mental impairment to a person, having substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A special rule also governs people with canc...