Man : Restrospect Happy (Unhappy)
today , the most influential thing in a person's life is the media as opposed
to family, school, religious institution and friends that had influenced people
consequence for such a change has been that, the societies today are filled with
negative attitudes, negative emotions and negative actions arising form the
media . We have allowed this element to corrupt yet glorified ideas to sicken
our minds and consume our thoughts.
negativity is easier said than done but can be accomplished if you really try.
A. Introspect Yourself
- Don’t germinate and cultivate negativity.
- Seed of negative will sprout and begin to bear negative fruits.
- Do not allow to linger for too long in your mind.
- When a negative thought have been allowed to germinate and bring forth negative fruits, it will be extremely difficult to eliminate.
- Introspect yourself daily.
- Think of yourself
- sHave time for yourself to self analysis and soul searching.
- Never go to places where you can get easily discouraged
o To handle negative thoughts is to avoid going to
places where these negative thoughts are nurtured.
o To ensure that our inner man is free of all
negative thoughts. On the contrary, we should visit places that can help us
eliminate these inner impurities.
- Develop a close relationship with positive minded people.
- Solace Yourself
- Take 5 minutes out of everyday to just lie down and reflect.
- Try more physical/spiritual methods to calm down, such as meditation or yoga, pilates
B. Enriched the Soul
- Find faith in yourself.
- It is a good idea to get to know yourself above all. Forget about outside forces, pay attention to your life and your situation.
- Just Let It Go!
- People have the right to happiness (of course, that also includes you!), and just letting negative experiences be bygones helps quite a lot.
- Let your mind, body and soul influence you along the path you should walk.
- The path of this world is full of thorns, thus it needs a body, soul and mind of good intentions, sound mind and healthy body to enable to trek through the obstacles
- Start to think, feed and soul more positively
- But don't bury deeply the negative thoughts in your heart where they can mature into hatred and contempt. Share how you feel, with someone you trust.
- If you feel weak or angry, go for walks at sunrise/sunset and breathe in the fresh air.
- A walk and fresh air will invigorate and cool your soul and body.
- Before you start working on your goals, read positive affirmations or listen to your favorite music.
- Do something to get your brain into a good, happy, positive mind set.

C. Actions
- Make the decision that you are in control.
- You can control what you think about. This means making a daily effort to consciously program positive thoughts or affirmations into your mind.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- "Birds of a feather flock together". It is the same with both positive and negative people.
- A negative environment will generally be negative, it is going to be very difficult for you to get over being negative in that environment.
- You may, very well, need to make some new friends.
- Refuse to accept negative comments when you know they're undeserved.
- A negative comment can bring you down.
- Simply tell yourself that it's not what I think, it's not what I believe. However, don't ignore all critism, otherwise you'll end up missing out on a lot of great ideas.
- Change your language.
- The words
o 'should', 'could' and 'might' -
Promising words, Change to “ will
, shall and ought” - Taking action words
- Change your way you language : I to We and positive words and phrase. It will uplift from a negative mindset to more positively person. "Mind your language"
- Use your initiative instead of waiting for people.
- Even to people who like positive behavior, if you get too positive, you can become very annoying.
D. Negative
- When your friend begins to complain, don't interrupt.
- Just listen and tell the friend if you agree or do not agree.
- Keep their esteem way high, compliment them daily, and make sure to spread the cheer to others.
- Encourage the friend and really tell them where their strengths are
- Do cool stuff yourself and show them how fun it is to get involved and not complain about stuff.
- Chances are, they'll join you.
- Ask about their life; they are probably negative because their wrong erspective in life
- If it's real bad, advise them to a therapist in the area- they'll offer professional advice and listen!
- Don't be too peppy.
- A little can be nice here and there, but when it's over the top it's really off putting.
E. Negative
- Don't be around that person all the time if you can help it.
If you live with them.
Do something that doesn't involve the other person too much. You don't want to
learn their ways of thinking and add it into your own mind.
- When you do spend time with them, try to have a positive attitude yourself.
- Balance it out! Try to think of good qualities about that person. Pay good attention. Everyone likes a bit of attention whether they think they do or not!
- Be very nice to them.
- Do something unexpectedly sweet, like chores for a day, invite them to watch a movie with you, take a walk together with them, or stop doing something you know annoys them.
- Tell them how it is making you feel when they are negative around you.
- Be constructive; Encourage, don't force.
- Make a "hot-word" like "oranges", "butterflies", "ocean soul", etc.
- Agreeing with the person , if they say something negative – hot words are mention as reminder for negative comments. Some people do it by habit.
F. Children
Almost every child at one point or another will take on a negative
approach to life.
§ Negativity Often
Begins at Home
- Much of the attitude our kids show up with has to do with us. Children are a product of their environment.
- Kids are like sponges and they soak up everything they see and hear. If Mom and Dad are always treating each other with negativity, the children are bound to follow suit.
- Need more focused on your child’s positive behaviors and forget the negative
- Try complimenting before criticizing
- Take baby steps where your own negative outlook is concerned. Do mental exercises each time the temptation to deal with something in a negative fashion strikes you.
§ Poor Self Esteem
- Poor self esteem is a leading contributor to negative outlooks and behaviors.
- It is going to take a lot of love and understanding, as well as patience to deal You can help
- By listening to your child when he/she is down in the dumps; this helps a lot more than you think.
- His/her feelings are important to you, you may be teaching him/her to consider his/her own feelings important as well.
- Do four times the amount of positive feedback as you do negative.
It’s always we who are the painter
and we paint the world by our colors.
as it will make us better artists.
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