Man : Student Help (Student Study Skill)

         Study skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning.
Generally, critical to success in school, colleges and university in acquiring good grades, and are useful for learning throughout one's life.
          An array of study skills, which may tackle ;
a.    the process of organising and taking in new information,
b.     retaining information,
c.    dealing with assessment
       They include mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of informations, effective reading and concentration techniques as well efficent note taking
While often left up to the student and their support network, study skills are increasingly needed at Tertiary level.
          A number of books and websites are available, from works on specific technique such as Tony Buzan’s books on mind-mapping, to general guides to successful study such as those by Stella Cotrell.
More broadly, any skill which boosts a person's ability to study and pass exams can be termed a study skill, and this could include time management and motivational techniques.
          No two people study the same way, and certainty that what works for one person may not work for another.
       This guide is designed to help you develop effective study skills. 

Folders for Study Skills
  •   Learning/studying

  • Time/project management

  • Reading/research

  • Writing

  • Memorizing/testing

 Topics of Study Skills

Guides: Learning and Studying

§  Learning:

o  Learning to learn
o Succeeding in continuing education
o  Visual/spatial learning
o Learning as a student-athlete
o  Learning as an adult
o  Learning with ADHD
o  Active learning
o  Action learning
o Language learning strategies
o  Exploring your personal learning style


Guides: Project and time management

§  Managing time and projects:

o  Time management
o  My daily schedule
o  My daily schedule
o  My weekly schedule
o  Organizing my tasks
o  Scheduling your school calendar
o  Creating to-do lists
o  Avoiding procrastination
o  Developing self-discipline


§  Learning with others:

o  Collaborative learning
o  Group projects
o  Active Listening
o  Conflict resolution
oCase study: conflict resolution
o  Peer mediation
o  Tutoring guidelines
o  Using feedback with tutors


§  Problem solving/decision making

o  Overview
o  Defining and gathering
o  Alternatives
o  Implementation
oGraphic overview: problem solving
o  Creative problem solving
o  Analogies in problem solving
o  Adaptive decision making
o  Managing by exception
o  Managing stress


§  Studying

o  Effective study habits
o A.S.P.I.R.E. - a study system
o  Index - a study system
o  Studying with flashcards
oStudying with multiple sources
o  Finding the right study space
o  Studying text books in science


§  Project management

oCompleting a class assignment
oOrganizing challenging projects
o  Project management .pdf
Organizing form
o  Developing case studies
o  Spreadsheets and budgets
o  Setting your (school) budget
oFollowing the scientific method
o  Lab safety


§  Classroom learning

§  Preparing for the classroom
§Class "prep"/paying attention
§  Classroom discussions
§  Taking notes in lectures
§  Influencing teachers
§Interviewing for class projects
§Consent form for interviews
§  Problem based learning
§  Using guided notes


§  Presenting Projects

oPresenting projects/speeches
o  Public speaking
o  Presenting your positive image/
creating your "brand"
o  Public speaking match game


§Online learning/communicating:

o  Online learning: questions
o  Distance learning
oMobile learning (M-learning)
o  Taking online tests
o  Netiquette
oBasics: Website development
o  Basics: Website design
o Making your website popular


§  Self Motivation/Project Management

o  Exercise/Development
o  Intrinsic and Extrinsic values
oProject development/mentors
o  Progress and Project Review


Guides: Thinking and evaluation

§  Thinking

o  Concentrating
o  Thinking critically
o  Thinking creatively
o  Radical thinking
oThinking aloud/private speech
o  Mapping explanation
o  Make your own map I
o  Make your own map II
o  Thinking like a genius:
Creative solutions
Famous thinkers
Selected thoughts


Guides: Writing and vocabulary

§  Writing assignments

oSeven stages of writing assignments
o  Develop your topic
o  Identify your audience
o  Research
o  Organizing with notecards
o  Prewrite
o  Draft/write
o  Revise
o  Proofread


§  Memorizing:

o  Overview
o  Acronyms
o  Acrostics
o  Rhymes
o  Loci
o  Keywords
o  Image-naming
o  Chaining


§  Types of writing:

o    Writing for the "Web"
o    The five-paragraph essay
o    Essays for a literature class
o    Expository essays
o    Persuasive essays
o    Position papers
o    Open book exams
o    Essay Exams
o    White papers
o    Lab reports/scientific papers
o    Research proposals


 Guides: Reading and research

§  Reading

o  Reading critically
o  Pre-reading strategies
o  SQ3R reading method
o  KWL reading method
o  Marking & underlining
o Reading difficult material
o  Interpretive reading
o  Reading essays
o  Reading fiction
o Narrator and character types
oSpeed and comprehension


§  Helpful

o    Citing Websites
o    Writing under deadline
o    Writing Strategies Learned


§  Spelling exercises:

o  Spelling strategies
o  Spelling rules & exercises
o  Common misspelled words
o  There | They're | Their
o  Too | Two | To
o  "Y" with suffixes
o  Prefixes and root words
o  Suffixes and silent "e"
o  Mapping vocabulary
o  Picturing vocabulary

§  Vocabulary

o Transitional words & phrases
o  Essay terms and directives
o  Modifiers & commas


Just as a carpenter needs the right tools
(such as a saw and hammer)
and basic skills
(such as how to measure and cut wood)
to frame a house,

Students need the right tools
(such as notebooks and assignment pads)
and basic study skills
(such as reading and note-taking skills)
to be successful in school.

§  Website overview: Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported by Joe Landsberger as an international, learner-centric, educational public service.


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