Man : Body Toxic (Fasting)

Herbert Shelton, founder of the Natural Hygiene Society, supervised more cases of fasting than almost any other fasting doctor, and has written extensively on this subject with many case studies of people who healed near-incurable diseases with fasts ranging from a couple of weeks up to 90 days.  

A.   Fasting
  • Fasting is abstinence from all food or specific items.
  • During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue. Starvation will occur only when the body is forced to use vital tissue to survive.
 I.     Why Fast?
        i.       Energise Body
§ The body uses energy to digest food, and when fasting this energy becomes available for other uses.
a)      In fasting, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, are burned for fuel or expelled as waste.
 The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functions and metabolic process. 
b)      Restores good digestion and elimination is quickened.
o   Allows a deep, physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into self-healing and self-repairing.
o   By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome physical ills or handicaps and boost in energy.
c)       Helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and life-extending and benefits mental and emotional health. 
    ii.     Enhances Mental Acuity 
§ Dr. Herbert Shelton supervised the fasting about 40,000 people over a period of fifty years. The freer the body is of toxic materials in the blood and lymphatic system, the clearer is the ability to think.
§ Large amounts of blood and nervous energies are needed to digest a meal. If these energies are not required there, they may be used by the brain for better thinking.
o  Initial days
§ Usually happen after the first few days of a fast, as
o   the body is cleaning out excess toxins and substances and
o   a period of depression, with headaches and various pains as this process is underway.
§ Difficulty at  the first stage of fasting :
o   body has thrown off toxins, then
o   the brain is then fed by a cleaner bloodstream and the mental powers and clarity of thought are extraordinarily increased and the other senses also become more acute. 
o   one’s ability to think and solve intricate problems is enhanced.
o   more alert, mental and physical senses are heightened, and will experience emotional stability.
§ The reasons for this are multifold –
o   the elimination of emotional dependence on food, exclusion of stimulating foods like caffeine, processed sugars, recreational drugs, tobacco and trans-fatty acids, all of which can have a devastating effect on delicate emotions.
II.          Healing 
§ During a fast, a metamorphosis occurs.
o   The body undergoes a tearing down and rebuilding of damaged materials. For this reason, the ability to rejuvenate

o  Dissolved Disease cells.
§ It dissolves diseased cells in a systematic manner, leaving healthy tissue.
o   Cleansing of the tube, membrane and cellular structures
o   redistribution of nutrients in the fasting body
o   catabolizing on old tissue, toxins and inferior materials.
§ Each cell of your body is a complete living entity with its own metabolism. It
o needs a constant supply of oxygen and sufficient nourishment
§ Due to
o   nutritional deficiencies,
o   sluggish metabolism,
o   sedentary life,
o   overeating and consequent
o   poor digestion and assimilation of food,
o   lack of fresh air and sufficient exercise and rest,
  • Cells are deprived...
o   they start to degenerate...
o   the normal process of cell replacement and
o    rebuilding slows down and
o   body starts to grow old,
o   resistance to disease will diminish and you become ‘sick’. 
  • In sick or injured animals and human, hunger diminished. Allowing nature to take its course, will heightened heal from any problem.
  • Since the dawn of recorded time, sanctuaries are provided where people could go to fast. Whereas modern medical practitioners admit that they have no cures, only drugs that mask the symptoms while causing yet other symptoms to appear.
  • “Physical healing or weight loss was but a pleasant side effect. What really happened is that the person got in touch with their higher self, their true self, and came to the experience that healing can take place at every level, simply by letting go and allowing Mother Nature to do her work.” – Dr. Rai Casey
iii.     Fasting has been beneficial for these conditions:
  • Although fasting is not recommended in every situation, (cancer of the liver is one instance where fasting is contraindicated), in many situations fasting is the only known solution. Fasting has been beneficial for
o  arthritis,
o  asthma,
o  high blood pressure,
o  lupus,
o  chronic fatigue,
o  colitis,
o  Crohn's disease
o  diverticulitis,
o  spastic colon,
o  irritable bowel,
o  cases of paralysis,
o  neuritis,
o  neuralgia, neuroses, and mental illness as well as many others. Fasting will also
o  break down tumors and for this reason, many have overcome cancer with fasting. 

iv.     Fasting decreases dependency on authorities
  • The reality is that doctors don’t have the cures that we need, what is offered by the traditional system of healers is only the possibility to treat our symptoms never being able to cure us or root out the cause.
  • When we take these kinds of treatments to suppress our symptoms then that cause, which is the underlying reason we are sick, goes unattended, then in fact our illness continues to grow. We will never be healthy until we take responsibility for our own health.
  • The outside influences we can’t control, but by taking responsibility for ourselves and working to change our habits.
v.     Benefits of Fasting 
      i.     Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted. 
     ii.     Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness 
   iii. The nervous system is balanced 
   iv.     Energy level and sensory perception is increased. The longer the fast, the bigger increase in energy and vitality. You normally need less sleep.
    v.     Organs are revitalized 
   vi.     Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored

   vii.  Cellular biochemistry is harmonized.
  viii.     The skin becomes silky, soft, and sensitive
     ix.    There is greater ease of movement
      x. Breathing becomes fuller, freer and deeper
     xi.  The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective; the peristaltic action of the intestines (the cause of a natural bowel movement) is stronger after fasting.
   xii.     Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite, and that our body is self-regulating and a self-healing organism capable or establishing balances when given the possibility to do so.

  • Normal metabolic and cell oxygenation are restored.
    Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, stored up worries and emotions.
vi.     Preparation for Your Fast
§ Inform yourself about fasting:
o   investigate, reading about the fasting process,
o   the various kinds of fasts
o   expected side effects.
o   pre-existing health condition contrary indications with fasting and your condition.
§ Determine your cleanse duration and time period: 
o   Arrange fasting in a time period where you have low activity.
o   Avoiding heavy kinds of work if at all possible.
§ When detoxification increases, the liver, kidneys, lungs and immune system work extra hard to handle the load.
o   Don’t compromised and proceed carefully.
o   go as long as you can tolerate it, physiologically or emotionally, and then come back to eating again.
§ Several short fasts can definitely do wonders if one long fast cannot be undertaken.
o   Long fasts are preferable because once the body is in the fasting state it cleanses systematically into the harder to get at body tissues.
§ The first few days of fasting gets rid of the gross waste products of digestion, but only after this can the body pull out its tools to get to work on healing. 
vii.     Activity
§ Have at least had mild exercise and movements with short walks to keep the lymphatic fluid moving and to the keep the vascular system working. 
§ Needs to be alert and listen to one’s body and not to overdo. 
viii.       Aiding Elimination of Toxins
§ Enemas:
o   Enema is advised to move out the toxic material that is being scoured by your body. An enema can be taken daily in the beginning days of a fast, then bi-daily for the remainder using just plain water.
§ Mucus:
o   The nose and throat to pass sticky mucus, clogging the sinuses. White strands of mucus may be found in the stool. Drink lemon juice with water to help clear the mucus. 
§ Showers/Bathing: 
o   Shower or bath daily aid in cleaning the pores and assist the removal of toxins. The skin is a large organ and many toxins are removed through the pores causing a gummy deposit on the surface of the skin. 

ix.     Reactions from Fasting
§ The 'healing' reactions are dependent on your existing health and the toxic load present in your body.
o   The first three days can be the most difficult until one's appetite for food goes away, which it normally does after the third day.
§ Many people
o   experience headaches,
o   joint pain and
o   other discomforts in the first few days.
o   Your tongue will become coated and your breath foul, and you may notice increased body odor.
§ These are all normal detox reactions as the toxins move out of your body. 
§ If cleansing responses arise (headache, stomach upset, mental fog, lethargy) exercise great patience and take rest until symptoms pass. It's all part of the process. Always go to your capacity but never over-do. 
x.     Symptom while you are fasting. 

o  Spiritual
§ As the system detoxifies, many of these spiritual aspects : 
o  an environment that is calm and serene and peaceful and loving
o  Meditation, EFT and other tools can be  helpful
o  Weight Loss
§ Weight loss three to four pounds per day, but the average loss will be one pound per day.
§ Body will normalize its weight in 5 to 10 days after the fast.
o  Dizziness
§ Get down on one knee and the dizziness will stop immediately.
o  Backache
§ Back pain due to toxins in the lower intestine.
§ Back exercises also can relieve some pain. A cold pack also will help.
o  Bad Breath
§ Waste passes through the lungs.
§ Brushing the tongue with a tooth brush, dental floss and rinsing with mouthwash will reduce bad breath.
o  Canker Sores
§ A toxic build-up in the mouth. Unhealthy bacteria between the teeth. The tongue becomes coated with waste.
§ Gargle with sea salt mixed with water several times daily. Dabbing with tea tree oil or vitamin E quickens the healing process.
o  Cold Virus
§  Mucoid is the perfect food for viruses. Toxins weaken the immune system can cause a susceptibility to colds.
§  Continue fasting to eliminate the mucus. Reduce the liquid intake and drink lemon juice.
o  Tiredness
§ Tiredness is normal.  
§ If the tiredness is too much, increase the quantity of sweet juices like melon and carrot juice.

o  Blackouts
§ To conserves energy, the heart pumps slower and blood pressure lowers.
§ Standing or moving quickly, the brain may not get enough oxygen, causing blackouts and dizziness.
§ Gets down on one knee or sit. Lowering your center of gravity will instantly stop a blackout.
o  Diarrhea
§ Have a laxative effect. It can be stopped by using the enema.
o  Strong Emotions 
§ Try to journal, EFT, meditate, talk a walk, or rest.
o  Headaches
§ Toxins can cause muscle tightness in the neck and shoulders resulting in tension headaches.
§ Massaging the neck and shoulders will help relieve the tension.
o  Muscle Tightness
§ Muscles become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. Especially the legs.
§ A self massage, hot baths, stretching and exercising will help to release the toxins.
o  Nausea
§  When waste is released by the lymph glands, toxic is taken by the liver and secreted with bile into the stomach. This causes nausea.
§  Drinking water or carrot juice will dilute the bile.
o  Nervousness
§  Toxins elimination can irritate damaged nerves.
§  Exercise will relieve tension.

III.          Types Of Fasting
o   Fasting as a religious observance has long been practiced for the accomplishment of certain goods.
o   With fasting as magic we have nothing to do, except to study the phenomenon. Tribal fasts, as seen among the American Indians, to avert some threatened calamity, or fasting, as by Ghandi to purify India, are the use of fasting as magic.
o   Major W. C. Gotschall, M. S., says: "There is nothing new about fasting. Among the ancients it was recognized as a sovereign method of attaining and maintaining marked mental and physical efficiency.
o   Periodic fasting has been practiced by many different peoples and by many different individuals. It is asserted that the ancient Egyptians were accustomed to fasting for a brief period, about two weeks each summer.
o   Hunger strikes have become very frequent during the past thirty years. Perhaps the most famous of these have been the protest fasts of Ghandi and the hunger strike of McSwiney and his co-political prisoners in Cork, Ireland, in 1920
o   Experimental fasts in which men and women have taken part are, perhaps, more numerous than we think. Profs. Carlson and Kunde, of the University of Chicago, made a few experiments of this nature a few years ago.
o   There are pathological conditions under which eating is impossible. Such conditions as cancer of the stomach, destruction of the stomach by acids, and by other causes, render it no longer possible to take food.
o   It is estimated that fasting for the alleviation of human suffering has been practiced uninterruptedly for 10,000 years. No doubt it has been employed from the time man first began to get sick.
o   Grief, worry, anger, shock and other emotional irritations are almost as potent in suspending the desire for food and in rendering digestion practically impossible as are pain, fever and severe inflammation.
              Greater Sensitivity - Restored Senses
          An interesting phenomenon occurs after a fast. 
The years of conditioning your body to tolerate 
unhealthy foods is reversed. 
The body is as clean as a newborn baby.


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