Man : Raise (Dignity)

Humanism refers to the equality of being human; a concern with the human needs, well-being, and interest of the people. Recognizing the values or dignity of man can make a different in the values a man has towards the world.  A proper foundation on which human dignity is laid will enhanced the man to values life and respect for others.
Dignity is the right of human beings to be valued and received ethical treatment. Dignity is also pertaining to human worthiness. The English word "dignity" comes from Latin dignitas by way of French dignité. In ordinary usage it denotes respect and status.
Dignity is a two-faceted concept. In infinite concept, man has the highest human value, which suggests having equal values. It is finite, the always changing value (my dignity is always either increasing or decreasing), which we call “human price.”
Dignity a human market
Human relationship, communication, and businesses are all about value of things. A product bought, how much value does it add to my life? Information received, how much value does it add to improve my life?  The respect, which other people gives, how much does it add to my human value? It seems as though we are at a market place.  Everyone are subjects of sale and comparison in this human market.
We “buy” someone (we persuade someone to trust us), and sell someone (we persuade others to trust that someone). People give me an estimation of what they think I am worthy of.  If they hold me in high esteem my dignity elevates and I feel good, goodness.  If, on the contrary, they underestimate me, they give me a lower price than my real value, I feel bad, evil.  People appraise me, what I deserve as a man, and my dignity depends on them.
On the other hand, I or myself, have own idea about me, I-image, about my self-price.  I give my own estimation of my worth and what I deserve, thus my self-esteem forms.  Sometimes I value myself lower than people think I am worth (I sell myself cheap); sometimes I value myself higher than what people think I am.
Dignity is a finite approximation of an infinite human value. Dignity is a human value and a human price together.
  • Dignity and goodness
Doing goodness to a man signify an increase in his dignity.  A respect that elevates their values in life, their dignity in community; whereas disrespect brings it down.
During childhood if their dignity is protected, a right form self-image of themselves and of the world will be formed; will be casted on the child.  “I am OK, and you are OK” values.  However, if humiliation begins in childhood and becomes a norm, they will acquire a low self-esteem and learn not to value other people as well.  Likeness of a contagious disease, human dignity continues to be encroached upon and desperately needs protection.
  • Dignity and freedom
A society is free, when internally (mentally, spiritually and physically), they are free people. The highest human value and their actions and endeavors will be the proof of those freedoms.
Internal dignity freedom is freedom from fear of being judged, doubt and of being charged a lowly, going against his conscience. Society knows freedom when its people know the value of dignity.
How to Increase Dignity and Self-Respect
Low self-respect and dignity can cause you to shy away from life's challenges.
Poor self-respect can be devastating.  Not believing in yourself, you will pass up many challenges, and in doing so, many opportunities that offered in your life enhancement. Everyone around you and everything you do can help or hinder your confidence. If you do not address the negative parts of your life, your self-esteem will continue to dwindle. While you may feel that you can never achieve a significant sense of self-worth, there are some simple steps that can help prevent or reverse the negative effects of low self-respect.
    a.  Focus on yourself.
You can focus on yourself in a variety of ways. First, stop being envious of other people, such as comparing your accomplishments to those of others. Everyone is different, and failing to "beat" someone else at life only demoralizes you. Care more about doing the things you like to do and achieving the goals that you want, rather than letting others decide what paths you should take. Take time to focus on leisure activities, such as hobbies, which you find enjoyable and productive.
  1. Help your community.
Not to be confused with living up to others' expectations, but rather taking your time and effort to assist those around you. Helping improve your community will enhance your self esteem and the feeling of being valued.
  1. Accept challenges.
Backing down or retreating every time challenges presents itself will make you feel weak. Whether you fail or succeed, you need to put fears aside and realigned and faced the challenge, it will help your self-respect. The first need is to have a try, and it will eventually hit your esteem self.
d.     Know your good characteristics.
See yourself as a unique, talented individual; self-esteem cannot flourish without your consent of your uniqueness. Listing your accomplishments and talents, positively writing the facts down and always keep them in mind. The successes may not be a major one but the most important asset is the accomplishment.
  1. Socialize wisely.
If you want to feel good about yourself, stay away from people who are negative or not supportive towards you. People who dismiss your ideas or putting you down will only damage your respect for yourself more. On the other hand, positive and supportive people will appreciate your ideas and contributions. This will make you feel like a person, not a doormat.
  1. Avoid self-criticism.
constantly seeing yourself in a negative light, you will feel ugly, inadequate and unintelligent. Approach situations like finances, relationships and career choices in a positive way and it will eventually boost your self- respect. Even if things are not the way you want them to be, there is always a positive side or a way to improve a situation.
Building Dignity and Self Respect After Being Stigmatized
Although confronting issues that have hurt your pride or reputation is difficult, it is necessary to be able to move on with your life. Learning to build self-respect after being stigmatized is a difficult but rewarding process.
  1. Confront your issues.
Acknowledge the things you want to change about yourself and your situation. While this is not an easy step, it is the only way to get past the stigmas. Avoid making excuses or feeling overly sad for yourself. Know that people make mistakes and that life does exist after a bad decision. Share your feelings with a close friend or trusted family member.
  1. Challenge yourself.
Participate in a new hobby or sport to make use of your mind. Know that you can rise above the negative things you may have done. Take the time to allow yourself to learn and grow.
  1. Surround yourself with positive people.
We are often a reflection of the values and actions of the company we keep. Although you should avoid being overly judgmental, use careful discernment when choosing your friends. This will help you distance yourself from old stereotypes and ways of thinking.
  1. Accentuate the positive.
Remind yourself of the things you like about you. For example, are you a talented artist or musician? Are you good with animals or children? Take the time to remember what makes you special and accept your findings. Ask a close friend to help you make a list of your positive characteristics to avoid being modest.
e. Focus on personal spirituality.
 Look inside yourself to find your personal truths. Pray or meditate to help relieve stress and renew your spirit. Find your comfort zone and escape into it when you feel the need to do so.
Dignity and Self Respect
Dignity and self-respect are two things that every person should have, but unfortunately not everyone does. This quality, when gained is the process in believing in yourself and to behaving in a dignified manner. When you learn to love yourself and treat others with respect, you'll feel an amazing sense of inner satisfaction.

1.      Know Your Own Worth

o   Some people flaunt their wealth, education or good looks in order to receive the validation they're important and  putting others down in order to feel better about themselves.
o   A person who has dignity and self-respect, a dignified individual, respects themselves, knows their own worth without needing to put others down to feel important.

2.      Be Humble With Your Actions

o   A dignified person need not start rumors, manipulate others and caused drama to be noticed. A dignified person stands out from the crowd because of the positive contributions he makes to the lives of others.
o   Feeling fulfilled doing good for others, and doesn't need to broadcast their good needs to other people for validation.

3.      Generate Positive Energy

o   Be cautious of how much you complain about your life to others. If in every conversation involves criticizing yourself and others, it is a sign that you have low self-respect.  
o   Do make conversations revolving around positivity such as giving genuine compliments to others, talking steps to improve parts of your life that you weren't satisfied with and showing appreciation after receiving gifts and praise from others. Only a person with dignity and self-respect can truly display these behaviors.

4.      Don't Let Negativity Get You Down

o   A respected person doesn't allow negative events to their life. Instead, taking difficult moments and turning them into productivity. Determining what went wrong and use that as motivation to turn it into something positive.
o   Mistakes and rejections are learning opportunities that can be used to improve yourself in the future. A dignified person takes these events in stride, knowing that things will get better, because they believes in themselves.

Excerpt and extracts taken with thanks from
By Alex Saez, eHow Contributor
By Laura Jerpi, eHow Contributor
By A.Aubanova, second edition.
Developing ideas from Parenting For Everyone, by Simon Soloveychik


  1. Excellent video, excellent article, thank you.

  2. Excellent video, excellent article, thank you.


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