Man : Honoured Feeling (Respect)

What is Respect?

Respect is probably the most important asset for human being to have. 

Respect has several meanings

Having regard for others.
  • Accepting that other people are different but just as important as you feel you are. Some people may call this tolerance.
Having a proper respect for yourself.
  • Standing up for yourself and don't let yourself be talked into doing that is wrong or makes you feel uncomfortable.
Not interfering with others (or their property.)
To consider something worthy of high regard.
  • Taking all those other values and living up to them.
How Respect is Learned
§  The best way to teach your child about respect is for you to show respect to yourself, your child, and others.
§  Kids are greatly influenced throughout their day by adults – whether it be a parent, teacher, or coach. Observing respectful adult behavior helps your child learn the value of respect and how to use it to her advantage.
§  Marriage and Family Therapist Robert Navarra, Psy.D.,
o   encourages parents to model respectful behavior with children and with each other
o   Avoiding labels, sarcasm, and criticism at home.
§  As your child grows older, it is important to maintain, and demand, an environment of respect.
§  “As your child enters the teen years, it can be extremely difficult to show respect and establish boundaries with your child when he or she is being disrespectful to you.
§  Keep in mind that schools may teach children about respect, but it is you, the parent, that holds the most influence over your children.
o   If you are caught bad-mouthing the opposing team during a soccer game or screaming an obscenity at the idiot who just cut you off, your child will take this as a cue that it's okay to be disrespectful to your peers.
§  Most important, treat your kids with respect.
o   Truly listen to them when they have something to say.
o   Let them know that their words and feelings are important to you.
o   Help them learn to appreciate and take care of their things by respecting their personal property.
o   Respect their privacy by knocking before entering their room and ask that they do the same. Remember, you are their role model and the old adage "Do as I say not as I do" simply doesn't have any merit where matters of respect are concerned.
When Others are Disrespectful
§  Backbiting
o   Lack of respect involved in back biting, mere words that  cause pain to the one maligned, a word without thinking about its implications,
o   Talking about somebody in a derogatory way or in a way that would not be pleasing to the one being spoken about. 
o   It is called back biting because it is usually done when the person being maligned is absent or “behind his back”.
o   Inclusive
“what concerns his body,
His/her religious practice,
His/her worldly stand,
His/her physical appearance,
His/her moral character,
 His/her wealth,
His/her parents,

His/her children,
His/her spouse,
His/her servant,
His/her clothing,
His/her activities, 
His/her smiles and frowns and anything else that pertains to him/her. 

o   It does not matter if you mention it explicitly by word or implicitly by indication or a gesture…”
o   So widespread nowadays that people use it as a way of expressing anger and jealousy.  Those who engage in it are disrespecting and harming others.
o   Become so widespread nowadays that people use it as a way of expressing anger and jealousy.  Those who engage in it are disrespecting God by disobeying Him and harming others.  Magazines and television shows are devoted to gossiping and prying into the private lives of others.  There is no respect for privacy, and contrary to popular belief, the lives of others are not source material for gossip sessions.

§  Lying

o   Lying is one of the major reasons for corruption in society.  Any form of lying creates enmity and sews disrespect between people, but the most obnoxious form of lying is to falsely attributing things.
o   telling lies, for lying leads to immorality, to lead mankind astray without knowledge
o   most evil characteristics, of which all religions and systems of ethics warn against and which man's innate common sense agrees that it is wrong
o   It violates the autonomy of the person lied to; it violates the principle of respect; it violates one’s private right over one’s mind.
o   Lying out Fear, shame, regret, wishing to spare others pain and shame and regret, the list is enormous.
o   Don't judge someone, or yourself, too harshly. Personally, and professionally, I know people who have lied to protect themselves and their loved ones from the consequences (or imagined consequences) of telling the truth. In some cases that lying led them down the path to self destruction because they couldn't handle the lying.

§  Spying

o   Spying involves eavesdropping and asking too many private questions because it involves disrespecting the private lives of others.
o   If news came to you’re from a rebellious evil person, verify it, let you not harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done.
o   Spying leads to backbiting, suspicion, for suspicion on false tales; and the others' faults and be jealous of one another.

§  Foul Language

o   Bad words show disrespect to those being spoken about and a total lack of self-respect. 
o   Reviling, insulting, cursing and rudeness, these are bad words and they usually are uttered when someone is overcome by anger. 
o   Anger is an emotion that may open the doors to all kinds of evil and disrespect.  It can sometimes result in breaking the bonds of goodwill and even destroy family relationships. 
o   Anger can even move beyond just using insulting words and cause one person to physically harm another.
o   Bad words lead to evil doing
§  Make known that disrespect is absolutely not okay for anyone – including an adult – to treat in a disrespectful manner (and vice-versa).
§   Inappropriate comment or belittling is not warranted in life.
§  Bottom line, to become respectful adults. Society – and our children

Respect at home

Home is the place where you first learn about respect.
Learn about using good manners, like saying please and thank you.

Learn to share things like toys, games and food with other people in your family.
Learn to look after your own things and take care of other things in the house (e.g. not jumping on furniture, and wiping your feet etc, so that the house is a good place for everyone to be).
Learn to wait your turn in talking.
Learn to listen.
Learn to understand that you will not always get what you want.
Learn to respect others by helping with chores and not letting the family down.

  • Respect at school
Learn how to be a member of a class.
Learn to respect and keep school rules, which help to make your school a safe and caring place for everyone.
Meet with people from different backgrounds, maybe different countries, cultures and religions.

People will look very different to you and your family.
People will behave very differently to you and your family.
Respect their differences and expect that they will respect yours.

  • If people are behaving badly towards you and hurting you or your feelings, then you cannot, and must not, respect their unkind behaviour.

  • Bullying and harassment should never be tolerated.
 Earning respect for yourself
  • Earning respect from yourself is probably harder than earning respect from others.

Aim :
  • to be an honest,
  • caring person who accepts that everyone is different,
  • always tries hard and is willing to share and help others,
  • Then living up to your aims.
Don't give yourself too hard time if you sometimes make mistakes. Mistakes are what we learn from.
Earning respect from others is easy if you live by those values, because people will soon know that you are the kind of person who can be trusted to do the right thing, behave in a caring way and respect others' rights to be themselves.

Treating  Others  With  Respect
  • Treating people with respect makes your world a nicer place to live in, whether it's at home, at school, or out in your community. And it's easy - all you have to do is treat people the way you like to have them treat you. Here are a few ideas.
• Don't insult people or make fun of them.
• Listen to others when they speak.
• Value other people's opinions.
• Be considerate of people's likes and dislikes.
• Don't mock or tease people.
• Don't talk about people behind their backs.
• Be sensitive to other people's feelings.
• Don't pressure someone to do something he or she doesn't want to do.
  • Living in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds we have to respect each other.
• Try to learn something from the other person.
• Never stereotype people.
• Show interest and appreciation for other people's cultures and backgrounds.
• Don't go along with prejudices and racist attitudes.

“I speak to everyone in the same way, 
whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”
― Albert Einstein


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